5 Reasons Why You Should Use An Agent When Buying A Home

Why Use A Buyers Agent?

Buying a home can be a confusing process, especially if you are a first-time home buyer and don’t know where to start. How do you get a loan? How do you look at homes? How do you determine your offer? Rest assured you’re not alone. Most of my clients started out in this same situation. Determined to find answers, they turn to the internet only to be flooded with information that often contradicts itself.

The process doesn’t have to be difficult or confusing. Simply contact an agent. Let them take the stress out of buying, so you can enjoy the process. Your initial research should focus on finding a reputable agent you can comfortably work with. Make an appointment to sit down, ask your question and discuss your needs before heading into your first open house.

A good agent will take the time and find out what you are looking for, explain the process. They’ll also do the research for you, eliminating hours of frustration on your end. So, before you head into that next open house or call that listing sign in the yard, check out these top 5 reasons why you should use a buyer’s agent to purchase your next home.

Reason #1: They Are Free

This is the number one reason to use a buyer’s agent. Most people assume working with an agent comes with the cost of a commission. In very rare instances yes. But in 99% of residential real estate transactions, sellers pay the full commission that is split between the listing agent and the buyer’s agent. As an added bonus, agents often have preferred lenders or contractors they can refer you to. You’ve nothing to lose and lots of information to gain utilizing a reputable buyers agent.

Reason #2: To Understand the Buying Process

Most likely buying a home will be one of the largest investments you’ll make in life. This multi-faceted process can be confusing to homebuyers. From choosing a lender, to preapproval, to your final inspection and closing, the process is more complex than most buyers assume. Having an agent walk you through the process will help create a positive home-buying experience.

Reason #3: Representation of YOU and your BEST interests

Most sellers list their home with a designated listing agent who is obligated to represent their best interest. Why wouldn’t you want the same representation on your side? When you work with an agent, a buyer’s agency agreement puts experience and expertise to work for you. You, too, will have an agent working in your best interest, keeping stress levels to a minimum, freeing up your time for work, play and family.

Reason #4: Access to MLS

Third party websites such as Realtor.com and Zillow.com have been gaining popularity in recent years. Why use an agent when you have a wealth of information at your fingertips? Fact is, the information you are looking at is probably not as up to date as you think. Multiple Listing Service or MLS is the only location where ALL agents are required to enter their listings, giving buyers the most accurate information regarding homes in your area. While third party sites have access to the MLS, all information must be entered manually through an agent. Often, agents either don’t send their listings or simply forget to update their listings on these sites, giving you false knowledge of available homes in your area.

Reason #5: Planning and Setting up Showing

Buyer’s agents get you access to many homes you normally couldn’t find on your own. Without a buyer’s agent, you can’t just go wandering into any house for sale. The seller’s agent must be notified in order to gain access to the property. Since the seller’s agent has no vested interest getting you the best deal, you could find yourself on the losing end of the buying process, sacrificing time and money. Your time is valuable; having an agent plan a day looking at homes will save you a time, effort and frustration. You show up and we do the work for you!

Finding the right buyers agent is an important component of the house-hunting process. A great agent will take time to both educate and navigate you through a complex series of steps toward your final goal – home ownership. Take your time and do some research. Remember, the buyer’s agent is working for you. Interview him/her and have questions ready for them. Check out their websites and reviews. See how others have enjoyed working with them. A good agent will be knowledgeable, open about the process, and will set your mind at ease making the home buying process simple and fun.

Happy House Hunting!!!!