3 reasons to sell your home in November | List with Aaron Crossley | Kansas City Homes for Sale

3 Reasons to List Your Home in November

You’ve probably heard that the time between Halloween and New Year’s are the worst times to sell your home, right? Did you know that this idea that the holiday season is off-peak for home sales is actually based on an outdated historical trend?

It’s true. In fact, several studies show that, on average, homes listed during this time are more likely to sell, sell more quickly, and sell closer to the asking price. November, in particular, has some unique advantages that make it an ideal time to sell. Here are three reasons why Thanksgiving month might be the best time to sell your home.

Highly Motivated Buyers

The old idea that homes sell best in spring and summer originates from the fact that parents want to wait until summer to move school-aged children. While that was true at one time, it doesn’t hold as true today. Think about it… people are getting married later which means that a large number of buyers (more than half, to be exact!) may not have children before they purchase a home.

If buyers are looking for a home in November, they are likely what we refer to as a “highly motivated buyer” and these purchasers are your ideal buyers. For these highly motivated buyers, the usual winter house-hunting deterrents like bad weather, short days, and holiday preparations— don’t apply. If your house is available for them to view in November, these buyers are more likely to make an offer close to your listing price.

Less Competition

Because of the misconceptions about selling during the holiday season, many sellers don’t think it’s worth their time to try and sell their homes between November and January and they either wait to list after the new year or take their homes off the market during this time frame. Their loss of a potential buyer is your gain!

The bottom line is this — Serious buyers have fewer homes to choose from over the holidays which means less competition for you.  Buy Sell Live KC can help you list and sell your property during this prime listing month. Contact Aaron today for details.

Tax Benefits

Buyers looking to lower their taxes may snatch up a home late in the year so they can deduct home purchase costs including points, interest and property taxes. Therefore, listing your home in November has the added benefit of year-end tax breaks to help entice a potential buyer.

Also, if someone sold a house during the usual summer selling season and faces capital gains tax on the deal (because he/she is an investor or lived in the house for fewer than two years), he may be highly motivated to buy in November since closing on the purchase of another house within 180 days lets him avoid paying capital gains tax.

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Call me at 913-484-7203  or contact me online here.


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